Escalators and stairs create gaps between floors. These gaps are critical points that need to be sealed off in the event of a fire to stop the spread of fire and smoke from lower to upper levels. By deploying on the upper level, fire curtains create a physical barrier against fire.


Escalators and stairs create gaps between floor compartments that need to be sealed off in the event of a fire to stop the spread of fire from lower to upper levels.


Elevator shafts are easy conduits for the spread of fire and smoke which can engulf an entire building in minutes. Elevator doors might be fire rated but cannot create a seal against the passage of smoke. Fire curtains with a smoke seal replace smoke stop lobbies in front of the elevator doors. While virtually invisible when retracted above the elevator frame, they create a seal that greatly reduces smoke leakage through elevator shafts and elevator doors.


To prevent spread of fire from one zone to another, fire curtains are a vital element of a fire compartmentalization strategy. On deployment, they create a physical barrier against the spread of fire and control the spread of fire.


Automatic Fire and Smoke Curtains are indispensable to a successful building fire strategy. Atria create large open spaces that can be quickly engulfed in fire and smoke as it spreads from lower to upper levels. Spread of fire can be limited by fire curtains and smoke curtains can channel smoke to chimneys or extraction fans.


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